Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Post 2016

after a year that took Leonard Cohen (1934-2016) himself and, 
as it is now more than a year to remember, 
the very great Alan Rickman (1946-2016),
these the world misses 
Cohen at the end of love, 
and Alan Rickman 
as if the voice, as if desire
could touch death  
outside the frame.

But I also miss
nor am I the only one
my teachers 
co-conspiritor-friend David Blair Allison (1944-2016) 
and also I would say 
as very close to me, 
Bill Richardson (1920-2016), 
Heidegger icon who kept legions 
convinced of their friendship 
ever unique and only 
and, Susanne Joshua, also 2016 saw her go
younger than I
friends count age like sisters to the day 
she was
my best woman, when I married a different Bill,
who lives still 
friend since university, 
from the first, the minute I arrived
door next door to mine: Susan Nitzberg, 
cracking jokes, naming a blessing.

But I have not named all those lost this year
all names I knew, all friends, all colleagues, 
all unraveled here
nor could I name those famous and unfamous
not known, not named
all of them
for ever.
very informal, very post, 
unstructured Hallelujah, with elisions,
like a soft jacket, 
and old jokes, but in LA, 
where Cohen lived
and died
by kd lang