Please encourage your librarian at your local, school, or university library to order this book -- ultimately and ideally this may lead to an affordable paperback but even if it doesn't, it will get the book on the shelves if folks wish to have the opportunity to read it! This is what libraries are for!
Babette Babich, The Hallelujah Effect: Philosophical Reflections on Music, Performance Practice, and Technology (Surrey: Ashgate, 2013) ISBN: 1409449602
The publisher liked my cover design, featuring the same Franz von Stuck Orpheus on the cover of their quarterly catalogue when the book was first released.
Details for ordering from Ashgate. There is also an e-book available -- check with Ashgate for details.Details at -- they also have a slightly cheaper kindle version, but this is not suitable for libraries...
The Hallelujah Effect will be of interest to those interested in Leonard Cohen (yes!) and k.d lang (yes!) plus Nina Simone and Joan Baez and Jane Siberry and Madonna...
...but it will also interest those interested in music and desire, including gender.... well as media and music more generally in addition to those interested in Adorno on radio and music and sound...
....and that in addition, too, to Nietzsche, classical Greek tragedy, and Beethoven.

So it's three books in one!
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